Put your process on Auto Piolet.

Smart Automations.

Oculus Intel’s Smart Automation is designed to streamline processes for businesses in the outdoor service space, from lead management to sales follow-up and customer experience. Whether you install fences, cut lawns, or handle construction, or in the outdorspace, Smart Automation easily integrates into your existing workflow, improving efficiency and profitability.

By automating crucial steps like lead tracking and consistent customer engagement, it ensures every client has a seamless, repeatable experience—while boosting your bottom line. Let Smart Automation simplify your operations and help your business thrive.


Automating business processes at Oculus Intel isn’t just about efficiency—it’s about delivering consistent results and scaling your business for growth. We understand that consistency wins—whether you're cutting lawns, building fences, running a restaurant, or managing a law firm, your customer experience should be as predictable and reliable as the quality of every Coke you open. At Oculus Intel, we've done the hard work for you. We specialize in small businesses and have ready-to-go automation pipelines for lead management, follow-ups, and other key processes. Regardless of your industry, our solutions ensure that each interaction is smooth, timely, and professional.

But we don’t stop there. If your company needs more complex automation, we’ve got you covered. We can design and implement custom workflows and communication processes tailored specifically to your needs, maintaining exclusivity and ensuring that your business runs like a well-oiled machine. With Oculus Intel, you're not just automating tasks; you're laying the foundation for consistent growth and customer satisfaction.

Chase AI Assist Bot - Digital Dominance

Industry Specific

Ready, Set, Automate

At Oculus Intel, we understand that businesses in the outdoor service industry—whether you're in fencing, luxury outdoor spaces, lawn care, roofing, or HVAC—need streamlined operations to stay competitive and grow. That’s why we offer our Ready Automation Package, specifically designed for small businesses in these sectors

.We’ve done the hard work, so you don’t have to. Our automation pipelines for lead management and follow-up are pre-built and ready to go, ensuring that every customer experience is consistent, reliable, and efficient. Whether you’re booking appointments, following up with leads, or managing customer inquiries, our package guarantees smooth operations from start to finish.

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Fined Your Comapany North...

At Oculus Intel, our True North Business Specific Automations

program is where we truly invest in your company’s success. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, we spend time together, diving deep into your business to identify the real problems you face and designing specific automation and CRM applications to solve them.

Whether it’s optimizing workflows, enhancing communication, or streamlining operations, True North offers you tailored solutions that reflect your unique needs. What sets this platform apart is the exclusivity

it offers—True North gives your business custom-built automations that are designed solely for you, ensuring that your operations not only run smoothly but give you a distinct competitive advantage in your industrycommunication channels at once.

Check Out The Options

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2-Way Text Messaging

Never miss a lead. Never miss a call.

According to the Harvard Business Review, Immediate follow is Crucial. In fact, contacting a potential customer with in a hour is "seven times more likely qualify a lead."

Two Way text messaging with potential leads within minutes. Fully Automated

Appointment Automation

Give the customer the ability's to book appointment online

Minimize staff and no-shows.

Research shows customers book 40% of appointment after normal working hours.

Let our AI booking bots schedule appointment while you sleep.

AI, Automation & CRMS.

One of the most frustrating parts of business is keeping people on the same page.

Our operational CRM keeps everyone moving in the right directions.

From scheduling appointments to automations for internal communications.

Search Engine Opinations

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the cornerstone of online visibility for businesses.

Effective SEO strategies not only helps businesses reach their target audience but also ensures sustained growth and success in the online marketplace."

What Clients Are Say About Oculus Intel.

Spot on. I wasted a lot of time trying to find the right solutions. This company gets it. From lead generation to lead management, they have help me grow.

As the owner of medium size company, I spent endless hours taking down information from employees. Not no more, their automated process keep the flow moving. What a great management tool. That works while I sleep.

Can't say enough. Oculus has help us reduce marketing cost and steamline our process. Highly recommend.

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The Power of Automations: Why Every Small Business Should Automate

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AI The Future of Engaging Customers and Streamlining Operations

AI The Future of Engaging Customers and Streamlining Operations

AI redefines how companies communicate with both employees and customers, offering unmatched personalization, efficiency, and consistency. Come Exlopre how. ...more


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6 Game Changing Tips to Take control of your Company's Marketing in 2025

6 Game Changing Tips to Take control of your Company's Marketing in 2025

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Digital Tricks and Tips For Marketing

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